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Ctrip Strategy Handles Beijing Daxing Airport to Help Create "Smart Airport"


Civil Aviation Resource Network May 7th, 2019 News: Beijing Daxing International Airport (hereinafter referred to as Daxing Airport), which will be officially put into operation before September 30 this year, ushered in the first strategic cooperation object of the online travel industry.On the afternoon of May 7, Ctrip Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Daxing Airport. The agreement shows that the two sides will make full use of new technologies such as big data to promote business innovation, and carry out in-depth cooperation in the fields of air and air, air and land transportation, and help Daxing Airport to create a "smart airport."
Deputy General Manager of Capital Airport Group, Yao Yabo, General Manager of Beijing Daxing International Airport Management Center, Kong Yue, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Daxing International Airport Management Center, Hao Ling, Deputy General Manager of Daxing International Airport Management Center, Sun Jie, CEO of Ctrip Group, Ctrip Group Xiong Xing, vice president, ticket business unit and international business CEO, Yang Jijun, vice president of Ctrip ticketing department, and Ge Ge, the person in charge of North China Airlines, attended the signing ceremony.According to Daxing Airport, the airport is positioned as a “large international hub airport” and is a comprehensive transportation hub for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region supporting the construction of the Xiong’an New District. According to the plan, Daxing Airport will achieve a construction and operation target of 45 million passengers and 72 million passengers respectively in 2021 and 2025, and will promote the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Airport Group to become a world-class airport group.
"I am very pleased to learn that Ctrip has proposed to build Daxing Airport into a benchmark and highlight of Ctrip in the world." For this cooperation with Ctrip, Yao Yabo said that the strategic cooperation framework agreement mentioned above , transit intermodal products, big data information, joint marketing propaganda, and coordinated development of navigation and travel, these several points of convergence are very accurate.Taking big data information cooperation as an example, Ctrip introduced that at present, Ctrip's services cover the complete service chain before, during and after travel. The business covers air tickets, hotels, travel, train tickets, car rental, tickets and other travel industries. Segmentation area. In addition, Ctrip's more than 300 million users worldwide search and browse and book data generated by about 50TB per day.
According to reports, by mining big data, Ctrip can provide support in airport operations and other aspects.For example, during the peak period of travel during the summer and National Day, by analyzing passengers' reservations for big data, it is possible to carry out large passenger flow warnings, which will provide support for the airport to improve the traffic security response plan. On the other hand, it can provide personalized and customized service information push for passengers to enhance the user experience.“We also know that air travel is already a highly technical industry, especially in Ctrip. We use a lot of new technologies, including big data.” Sun Jie also said, “What makes me proud is our The international flight search engine has a very broad coverage and we already have the best ticket search engine in the world."
Sun Jie also believes that the cooperation between the two sides will be a strong combination of industry.She said that while assisting in the construction of Daxing Airport, Ctrip will also provide big data support for the operation and management of Daxing Airport, and help the construction of “Smart Airport” and “Humanistic Airport”. In the future, the two sides will work together to establish long-term and deeper cooperation in industrial development to achieve complementary advantages and mutual benefit.In fact, according to the strategic cooperation agreement, the two sides will also carry out in-depth cooperation in the fields of air-to-air transfer, air-ground transport, and precision marketing to provide a comprehensive and three-dimensional travel solution connecting Daxing Airport. While promoting the construction of the comprehensive transportation hub of Daxing Airport, it will also help Daxing Airport to increase the transfer capacity and transfer efficiency.
In this regard, Yao Yabo added, “Daxing Airport is an airport for transit. Air-to-air transfer and air-to-space transfer are the core products we will strive to build in the future. Ctrip Group’s platform resources, technical solutions and influence at home and abroad will be transferred to Daxing Airport. The construction is more helpful, and it is a good idea to do a good job of transferring this big thing, perfect it, and make it into a boutique.""At the same time, Ctrip Group, with its cooperation with Daxing Airport, can deeply participate in the development of China's civil aviation and better grasp the development trend of China's civil aviation industry. It can be said that it has installed acceleration devices for the development of Ctrip." Yao Yabo said.


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