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The Committee of Shanghai Airexpo met with a delegation of German aviation enterprises


On March 28, Shanghai Society of Aeronautics was invited to attend the German aviation enterprise delegation's conference in Shanghai which organized by Shanghai office of AHK in InterContinental Shanghai Pudong. The society organized a number of aviation leading enterprises, including Comac Science and Technology Committee, Shanghai Aerospace Corporation Science and Technology Committee, Shanghai Aerospace Academy Science & Technology Committee, China Eastern Airlines Co., LTD., AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co., Ltd., China Baowu Steel Group Co., LTD., and a total of 16 aviation enterprises of the German delegation to attend the event.
During the conference, the two sides exchanged in-depth views on the development of China's civil aviation industry and the status of international exchanges through speeches and symposiums. Comac, AECC, Baowu Steel Group, China Eastern Airlines and other enterprises as the representatives of the Chinese firms made wonderful speeches.
“Shanghai International Aerospace Technology and Equipment Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai AIREXPO)” As an important exhibition activity hosted by the society, the representative of the organizing committee made a presentation to the German aviation enterprises about the 2019 Shanghai AIREXPO, and played the trailer of "2019 Shanghai AIREXPO " during the conference , which attracted great attention from the German enterprises , they expressed their strong support and desire to participate
After the conference, the participants also attended a reception hosted by Dr. Christine D. Althauser, consul general of Germany in Shanghai, at the consular residence. The success of this event provides a precious opportunity for the establishment of contacts between the political/academic /business of China and Germany.


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